If for example, this is Bold, because you set the previous paragraph as 'References' and bolded it and then hit return. Often, when a bibliography is created, Endnote adopts the paragraph and font settings that are contained in the last paragraph mark of the word document.
When EndNote creates a bibliography, text in Plain Font and Plain Size (see below for more details) uses the font and size of your paper, UNLESS these are over-ridden by settings elsewhere, such as in the record, the style, or in the Format Bibliography Layout sections. There are multiple places that font and paragraph setting can be applied in Endnote and in the word processed document. No word on why this undocumented behavior was changed.)
(This no longer works in 7.2.1, you can edit it, but it will be overwriten the next time the bibliography is updated. This makes it relatively easy to edit a paragraph in the bibliography reference list to look the way you want it to look, and then to update the 'endnote bibliography' style in word to match that paragraph (edit the paragraph settings, then right click, syles, update style to match'). In X7 endnote generates a 'Endnote Bibliography' style in the word template of the specific document. for example, in X4, the bibliography doesn't necessarily pick up the paragraph style of the last paragraph. Not all of this is applicable to all versions of endnote. Please don't post in this thread - START A NEW ONE! .